Retro Fit

Retrofit – Adopting our existing buildings to accommodate for a low carbon future. 

If we are to avoid the worst effects of the escalating climate crisis, we need politicians and developers to prioritise retrofit over demolition and new build in construction.  

The Team at MLA believes that design must be considered as part of the process that influences the sustainability of the building and should be driven by the entire project team. A truly sustainable building can only be achieved through a fully inclusive and collaborative approach. 

In January 2022 the Scottish government announced their ambition to reduce emissions from heat in buildings by 68% from 2020-2030. 

This target aims to revolutionise the way in which the industry approaches the design/alteration of new and existing building stock.  

Saving carbon is not just about operational energy, our existing buildings already possess a great amount of embodied carbon which makes them more desirable to adapt. Here at MLA our philosophy prioritises a “fabric first approach”. Before any alteration is introduced buildings must be wind and watertight. There should not be any issues regarding excessive/poor ventilation or moisture build up.  When the existing structure preforms optimally, proposing future energy saving measures such as secondary glazing, additional insulation, and sustainable heat source becomes more straight forward. Every building is different, and our team of experts have learned to treat these buildings with care and precision in order to deliver your retrofit project successfully.